The Fly Fisher & The Spotted Lantern Fly

The Eastern Fly Fisherman & The Spotted Lantern Fly – What they do, What can we do?   “All fisherman, whether they realize it or not – and most do – care very much about the aesthetics of their fishing spots; they are part of the mood and meaning of going fishing. Aesthetic qualities are… Continue reading The Fly Fisher & The Spotted Lantern Fly

Water Haul. Refine.

“The basic fundamentals, refined to perfection, are your most advanced techniques.”  – Joe Humphreys. Quoted in person, Lancaster PA. Early Spring, 2022. When Mr. Humphreys spoke these words I was tuned in completely. His voice alone evokes emotion. The year previous I found myself holding back tears as I asked him to sign my copy… Continue reading Water Haul. Refine.

Qui vive

“Nevertheless, even in a crowded warren, visitors in the form of young rabbits seeking desirable dry quarters may be tolerated…. And if powerful enough they may obtain and hold a place” -R.M. Lockley, The Private Life of the Rabbit     I sometimes seek out a good humbling experience while most of the time not… Continue reading Qui vive