Fixing an old Springhouse. Water problems, water solutions.

“The selection of a site for a new farm was always based, in part, on the availability of a good supply of clean, cold water. ‘I’ve got a good, bold spring,’ is a sentence we have heard a hundred times, and it is always said with pride and satisfaction.” – Fox Fire, book no. 4.… Continue reading Fixing an old Springhouse. Water problems, water solutions.

Winter Techniques Pt.1 – False Spring Fishing – Upstream Bounce

“Have you ever seen how a sculpin swims? On the very bottom, darting and skirting from hiding place to hiding place… to slow water cover behind rocks and structure, on to the next same type of hiding place. Sculpins forage for food just like Trout, have home ranges and preferred routes of travel and security. Habits and patterns. We want our streamer to swim upstream like the sculpin”

Subaqueous Beginning

Fishing a size 16 sulphur dun dry-fly on the swing was how he taught himself how to fly fish. Like a wet fly on the swing, exactly like that actually – letting the current take control after casting across or quartering downstream. No floatant or desiccant powder, no mends, no real need to even consider… Continue reading Subaqueous Beginning

Water Haul. Refine.

“The basic fundamentals, refined to perfection, are your most advanced techniques.”  – Joe Humphreys. Quoted in person, Lancaster PA. Early Spring, 2022. When Mr. Humphreys spoke these words I was tuned in completely. His voice alone evokes emotion. The year previous I found myself holding back tears as I asked him to sign my copy… Continue reading Water Haul. Refine.